Shin Pads
It is a condition of participation that players wear shin pads. If a player turns up to a session without shin pads, they will not be able to participate. We will endeavour of have shin pads available for a cost of $10 if needed.
Spectator Policy
You are always welcome to watch the training sessions your children are involved in. If you are standing on the concrete paths or sitting in the grandstands or even watching from the car or clubhouse, this is ideal. The challenge we have is that an increasing number of parents are standing on the field or in the dugouts and this can interfere with a session. Could parents please assist us by staying off the fields and away from the dugouts – thank you.
Bullying and Disruptive Behaviour
If a player displays behaviour that is disruptive to the learning of others, bullying, offensive in any way - the coach will speak to the player and explain what is expected. If this happens again, they will sit out for 5 minutes and then return to the group. Should there be a third instance, the emergency contact number supplied at registration will be used and the player will be excluded from the program. This may seem harsh to some, but the safety and learning of others is a priority.
Cancellation Policy
Once you have registered for a program, we are counting your player when working out how many coaches we need. If your situation changes and you need to cancel, please ensure you notify us immediately.